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SOLIDWORKS Advanced Feature Parameter - Hem Feature

The following advanced feature parameters of the Hem feature now require the units to be set to the units the SOLIDWORKS model is set to (document units). Previously these required the result of the rule driving them to be system units (meters and radians).
  • Angle
  • BendPosition
  • GapDistance
  • BendDeduction
  • BendAllowance
  • Length
  • MiterGap
  • Radius


Filtering has been implemented throughout DriveWorks Administrator. Filtering allows you to quickly find items within large lists of data, such as Model Rules or Variables.

At the top of each list, where filtering is available, there is a filter box.

Entering the filter criteria into the box will filter the list underneath.

Clearing the filter box will restore the full list. Clearing the filter can be done by:

  • Using the Delete or Backspace keys on the keyboard.
  • Clicking the cross in the filter box.
  • Clicking the Filter drop down and selecting Clear.

Filter criteria can be saved by clicking the filter drop down and selecting one of the following:

  • Project Filters> Add Current Filter Text. Project Filters will be available in the current project only.
  • User Filters> Add Current Filter Text. User Filters will be available in all projects for the current user only.

Special Variables

New special variables have been included that will assist in identification of the browser and certain system details, being used to specify your DriveWorks projects.

These are:

  • Current Client Details - Returns the user-agent string of the browser in use.
  • Current Client Languages - Returns the system language and the language of the browser in use.

Current Client Details

Name: DWCurrentClientDetails

Will return the user-agent string of the browser in use to the specification.

You can use the Current Client Details special variable in your own rules by using the Quick Text button on the Rules Builder.




Will return the user-agent string Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/5.0), for a specification being run through Internet Explorer 9.0 (MSIE 9.0), on a Windows 7 - 64bit operating system (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64)

User-Agent Strings

User-agent strings return the following information from the browser:

  • Web browser (IE, Chrome, Firefox, etc.)
  • Web browser version (IE9.0, Firefox 9.0.1, etc.)
  • Operating systems (Windows 7, iOS, etc.)
  • Operating system type (32bit, 64bit)

A lot more information can be present in the user-agent string depending on the browser in use. Given the above criteria and the amount of current options available for each it would be impossible to list all variations of user-agent strings here.

More information can be found from the following external links:

MSDN article - Understanding user-agent strings.

User Agent String.Com - Lists the user agent of your current browser, also has links to user agents for all available browsers.

Extracting the User-Agent String

Once you have the user-agent string you may have a specific requirement for a particular token used in the string.

To search the user agent string for the browser or version token could be very involved given the amount of possible variations. However, using the IsMatch function allows the use of regular expressions that will make this process more straightforward.

Please see the function IsMatch for examples of how this is accomplished.

Current Client Languages

Name: DWCurrentClientLanguages

Will return a list of all of the current installed languages on the client machine that is accessing the DriveWorks project.

The list is returned as a table array.

You can use the Current Client Languages special variable in your own rules by using the Quick Text button on the Rules Builder.




Will result in the table array {"Languages";"en-US";"en-GB"}.

Where the table has 1 field named "Languages" and 2 entries for the installed languages of "en-US" and "en-GB".

Specification Macros

The Specification Macros UI has been redesigned to make adding tasks easier and more intuitive.

All tasks assigned to a Specification Macro can be viewed in the main window. The Toolbox is also available in the main window and tasks can be added by selecting a Specification Macro ad dragging the required task across to the Tasks list.

The ordering of Tasks assigned to a macro can be arranged by using the Move Up and Move Down buttons from the command bar. Select the Specification Macro, then select the Task to move and click the required button.

DriveWorks Tasks

The following new tasks have been added to DriveWorks 10 for using within your specification flow or specification macros.

Delete Group Table Rows

Rows can be deleted from the nominated Group Table Name.

See Delete Group Table Rows for more information.

Delete Simple Table Rows

Rows can be deleted from the nominated Simple Table Name.

See Delete Simple Table Rows for more information.

Add New User

Users can be created and added to the Group from a specification by implementing the Add New User task.

This allows your implementation to capture new user details for account creation with access to your projects.

See Add New User for more information.

Add User To Team

A user can be placed into a specific Team, to allow access to certain projects, by using the Add User To Team task.

See Add User To Team for more information.

Delete User

A user can be removed from the Group by using the Delete User task.

This allows your implementation to provide a user with the option for removing their account.

See Delete User for more information.

Enable/Disable User

A user can be prevented or allowed to log into the Group by using the Enable/Disable User task.

This allows your implementation to suspend or approve a user for access.

See Enable/Disable User for more information.

Remove User From Team

A user can be taken out of a Team by using the Remove User From Team task.

See Remove User From Team for more information.

Skip Remaining Tasks

Tasks which are queued to run from the point this is inserted can be prevented from being executed by using the Skip Remaining Tasks task.

See Skip Remaining Tasks for more information.

Switch Team Leader Status

A user can be allowed or restricted from seeing all specifications made by users in the team by using the Switch Team Leader Status task.

See Switch Team Leader Status for more information.

Update User Display Name

A user can have their Display Name changed by using the Update User Display Name task.

See Update User Display Name for more information.

Update User Email Address

A user can have their Email Address changed by using the Update User Email Address task.

See Update User Email Address for more information.

Update User Password

A user can have their Password changed by using the Update User Password task.

See Update User Password for more information.