Automatically generate custom product data and associated documentation for engineering, manufacturing and sales. Automatically send emails and bulk process orders.
Learn how to install and license DriveWorks Autopilot.
Start DriveWorks Autopilot to begin automatically processing tasks.
Techniques and settings to improve model generation performance.
To allow DriveWorks Autopilot to begin listening for work to process it must have a Group open and be set to Start.
The following are the various ways Autopilot can be started:
Once DriveWorks Autopilot is launched and a Group is open, the Start button is available from the command bar of the Autopilot task.
Once DriveWorks Autopilot is launched it will appear in the Windows System Tray.
Right click the icon in the System Tray to Start or Stop Autopilot.
DriveWorks Autopilot can be remote controlled from DriveWorks Administrator.
See DriveWorks Administrator - Autopilot Settings for more information.
It is possible to automatically launch DriveWorks Autopilot from a command line.
This is useful if the machine inadvertently reboots.
See How To: Automatically Start Autopilot for more information.
The DriveWorks Autopilot interface consists of the following main areas:
A Group must be open to view all options in the Task Explorer
When connected to the internet, DriveWorks Today will display dynamic community content containing useful links to information, news and events relating to DriveWorks.
Quickly access recently opened Groups and Projects.
Individual Groups display the location of the .drivegroup file and a single Group icon.
Shared Groups display the server name of the Group and a double Group icon.
Clicking any listed Group will open that Group.
Clicking any listed Project will open the Group and the selected Project.
All recently used Groups and Projects lists can be cleared from the DriveWorks Today screen.
Start DriveWorks Autopilot to begin processing Specifications, generating models or any other function it is required to perform.
The work area displays a log of all attempted tasks along with a detailed description of each, and an indication of its success.
The Model Explorer task is used to display all models that have been released and are queued to be generated (if the DriveWorks Autopilot is enabled to generate models).
Connectors are used to automatically process specifications and run DriveWorks Projects or DriveApps.
The Emails task shows all the emails that have been created for each specification and the status of each.
Triggered Actions
The Triggered Actions task displays the status of any actions triggered in the specifications being processed.
Specification Explorer
The Specification Explorer is where new specifications are created, and existing ones viewed and modified.
Calculation Tables
Calculation Tables allow real time calculations, in tabular form, to be carried out during a specification.
Run any DriveApp from the DriveApp task.
DriveWorks Autopilot gives you the freedom to work on other tasks while it generates all SOLIDWORKS data.
The time it takes to generate parts, assemblies and drawings is dependent on SOLIDWORKS.
However, there are some settings that can be applied that will help to make model generation as performant as possible.
Model generation performanceWhen continually generating lots of models, memory can get overworked and occasionally SOLIDWORKS may become unresponsive.
DriveWorks Autopilot will nurse these situations by restarting SOLIDWORKS at set intervals.
SOLIDWORKS health optionsDriveWorks Autopilot will give generation priority in the following order:
When Autopilot is connected to a Shared Group (through DriveWorks Pro Server) and a network connection issue occurs, the following message will be displayed:
This message will be displayed if Autopilot cannot reconnect after 10 seconds.
Any Autopilot functionality that requires connection to Pro Server will be unavailable until connection is restored.
Click Retry to attempt to re-establish connection.
If connection cannot be re-established clicking Quit will close the application.
If connection is re-established during display of the message, Autopilot will continue as usual.
This is designed to indicate network disconnects are occurring.
Check you have the following in place to use DriveWorks Autopilot: