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DriveWorks Pro 22

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Returns a pipe bar (|) delimited list of all of the values in a specific picklist within Salesforce.

The object must contain a picklist type for it to be returned.


SFGetPicklist ([Object Name],[Picklist Name])


Object Name is the name of the object in Salesforce (e.g. Account, Contact)

Picklist Name is the name of the specific picklist for this object type in Salesforce (e.g. Type for Account).


SFGetPicklist("ActivityHistory","Status")Returns a pipe bar (|) delimited list of all the values from the Status field of the ActivityHistory object.
SFGetPicklist(SalesforceObjectsReturn,Left(ObjectFieldDataReturn,Find(",",ObjectFieldDataReturn)-1))Returns a pipe bar (|) delimited list of all the values from the ObjectFieldData control of the SalesforceObject control.
For more information on permitted Object Names (Standard Objects) and the Standard Fields that are required, please see:

Salesforce SOAP API Developer Guide.