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DriveWorks Pro 22
Connectors - Folder Watcher

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Folder Watcher

The Folder Watcher allows DriveWorks to periodically scan a specific folder for files that will:

  • Create new specifications


  • Modify existing specifications
To modify an existing specification:

For XML files - use the element SpecificationId or SpecificationName to select the specification to be modified.

For TAB files - use the header SpecificationId or SpecificationName to select the specification to be modified.

The element\ header OperationName can be used to perform an operation on the specification.

See Import Specifications for more information on the full structure of the supported files.

The file types supported are:

  • .xml - Extensible Markup Language
  • .tab - Tab Delimited

For information on the structure of each of these file types please refer to Import Specifications.

About Connectors

Connectors send information into Constants or Controls of a specification by name. Connectors will observe the following behavior when driving data into a specification:

  • If the constant name is found with the same name as the name of the value being applied, then the constant will be driven.
  • If there is a control with the same name as the constant, the control will NOT have its value set.
  • If however there is no constant with that name, but there is a control with that name, the controls value will be set.


Once a Folder Watcher connector has been added the settings that are required are as follows:

  • Monitor Folder - The folder DriveWorks should monitor for new files.
  • Successful Files Folder - The folder in which successfully processed files will be moved.
  • Failed Files Folder - The folder in which failed to process files will be moved.
    Failed Files include incorrectly formatted files, and files that have incorrect data applied.
  • Scan Interval - The interval DriveWorks is to scan the Monitor Folder for new files. Default is set to 5 seconds.
    Setting the Scan Interval to a low value (1 for example) will impact the performance of DriveWorks Autopilot.

Set the Folders

  1. Select Browse at the end of the Monitor Folder field and browse to the folder in which the files to drive specifications will be placed.

    Once the Monitor Folder is set, DriveWorks will set the other folders to be sub-folders named:

    • Successful
    • Failed

    These will not be created until the Connector is running.

    If you require the Success and Failed folder to be at different locations continue with the steps below:

  2. Select Browse at the end of the Successful Files Folder field and browse to the folder in which the successfully driven files will be placed.
  3. Select Browse at the end of the Failed Files Folder field and browse to the folder in which the failed to be driven files will be placed.
  4. Enter the Scan Interval required for the connector to scan for new files.
    Scan Interval - The interval DriveWorks is to scan the Monitor Folder for new files. Default is set to 5 seconds. Setting the Scan Interval to a low value (1 for example) will impact the performance of DriveWorks Autopilot.

See Also


Web Service

Import Specifications