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DriveWorks Pro 22
Edge Sketch

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Edge Sketch

Using this post effect, outlines can be drawn on the edges of geometries within a DriveWorks 3D Document.

This gives a more CAD like appearance to the model.

Without Edge SketchWith Edge Sketch
Image of coneyor without Edge SketchesImage of coneyor with Edge Sketches
Image of Scissor Lift without Edge SketchesImage of Scissor Lift with Edge Sketches
  • Edge Sketch Enabled

    Toggle to enable / disable the effect.

  • Line Thickness

    Controls the thickness of the edges drawn.

    Increasing this value too high can cause artifacts such as lines being offset from their actual surface and appearing split in two.

  • Normal Threshold

    How aggressive edge detection will be when searching for differences between face normals.

    A value of zero essentially disables this effect.

  • Depth Exponent

    How aggressive edge detection will be when searching for differences by comparing the distances of objects from the camera.

    Lower values can be used to detect edges between objects which are closer together, but values which are too low can sometimes cause artifacts.

  • Edge Color

    The color to draw detected edges.

    Enter Red, Green, Blue and Alpha values to define the Edge color and transparency.