DriveWorks Autopilot has the ability to send Emails, and optionally include attachments. Rules for the Email parameters (To, Cc, Bcc, Subject, Body, Attachments) are applied in DriveWorks Administrator.
Emails are sent by Autopilot when it is started, and as soon as all of the attachments in the Email are available.
If there are no attachments, then Autopilot will send the Email as soon as it sees it.
Emails can be released at any suitable point in the Specification Flow, but will only be processed once attachments are present with the specified name and path.
The Email Document is triggered in the Specification Flow by the Release Emails task.
In DriveWorks Administrator open the Project and go to Stage 4: Output Rules then Documents - Files
The Email Editor will open displaying the parameters that should be applied for the Email Details, Email Recipients and Email Body.
The Sender Rule must result in a valid Email address, for example, click Build... and enter the following:
Rules can be built for the recipients, carbon-copy recipients, and blind carbon-copy recipients of the Email, for example:
The Subject Rule controls the subject line of the Email, for example:
"Quote for Specification " & DWSpecification
The Attachments Rule is used to attach Documents to the Email, for example:
It is possible to control which Documents are displayed as an Email attachment. This can be done by the file returning the value "Delete".
Tags are relevant when two or more DriveWorks Autopilot machines are deployed.
Tags allow control over which DriveWorks Autopilot processes the required information for a Specification.
The result of the Tags rule must match a tag set in DriveWorks Autopilot.
Rule | Meaning |
If(HighPriorityCheckBox=True,"High","Low") | When the check box HighPriority is checked will result in the tag High being applied to the parameter. Otherwise the tag low will be applied. |
The following general settings can be applied to each Email sent.
If this is unchecked the Email will be sent as plain text.
Please see w3schools - HTML for information on HTML formatting.
The text to include in the Email is entered directly in the Email Body editor.
For Plain Text Emails, text is entered exactly as it will appear when read in an Email client.
For HTML Emails the text should include HTML formatting tags (see image below). Please see w3schools - HTML for more information.
Where a rule (the result of a variable or form control for instance) is required to be included in the body:
The rule will appear within double angle brackets << >>
To Preview the Email:
It will not format any HTML applied to the body.
Plain Text
Plain Text Emails can only send images as attachments.
Hyperlinks will display all formatting tags to the recipient, the link will not be clickable.
HTML Emails can send images as attachments, but they can also be embedded within the body.
Embedded images must be included as an attachment or be available on a web server, in which case the recipient will be given the option to download the image in their Email Client.
The correct HTML to use when embedding an image that is also an attachment is:
<img src="MyImage.jpg">
Where MyImage.jpg is the file name and extension of the image included as an attachment.
The correct HTML to use when embedding an image located on a web server is:
<img src="">
Where the full address to the image, name and extension is included within the "".
The correct HTML to use for a Hyperlink is:
<a href="">DriveWorks Website</a>
Where the full address is included within the "", and the text to display for the link is included before the closing </a> tag.
The Send Test Email button will queue an Email to be sent.
The Email will be sent when DriveWorks Autopilot is set to send Emails and has been started.
Please see DriveWorks Autopilot - Email Settings for more information.