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DriveWorks Pro 22
Web Ping

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Web Ping

This Specification Task will ping the given web address and return the result to a given Constant.


Property NameDescription
TitleChanges the Title (not the name) of the task.
Web AddressWeb address to ping. Include the protocol if not a local network address (e.g. HTTP).
TimeoutTime threshold in milliseconds for contacting the destination.
Local Network PingTRUE for pinging local network devices such as computer name or IP number. FALSE to ping WWW addresses.
Result ConstantThe name of the Constant that the result will be posted to (Can be with or without the DWConstant prefix).


When this Task is added the properties are static. To be able to build rules on a static property see How To: Change A Static Property To A Dynamic Property.

Property NameExample RuleExample ResultMeaning
Web Address"https://www.driveworks.co.uk"https://www.driveworks.co.ukThis is the website address to ping.
Timeout55This will contact the destination for 5 milliseconds before timing out.
Local Network PingFALSEFALSEFALSE for testing online web addresses. TRUE would be for local network web addresses.
Result Constant"DWConstantReport"DWConstantReportThis is the name of the Constant that the Task will report to. Will report TRUE if successful and FALSE if not.

Using the Task in a Specification Macro

This task has different types of Outputs. For more information about Outputs see Specification Macros Task Node.

Outputs are only available within Specification Macros. Currently Outputs are not available for Specification Flow.

Status Outputs

This task supports Status Outputs. These can be used to perform different actions depending on what the status outcome of the task is. For more information see Status Outputs in the Task Node Outputs section of Specification Macros Task Node.

The status output navigation is as follows:


  • Web address responded successfully within threshold.

Success with Warnings

  • N/A - should never be fulfilled.

Failed (one of the following occurred)

  • Web address field cannot be left empty.
  • Timeout field cannot be left empty.
  • Failed to create URI.
  • Web address did not respond within threshold.
  • Failed to ping Web Address.