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DriveWorks Pro 22
Box Constraint

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Box Constraint

Allows the Transform of a Node to be constrained within the limits of a defined box.

Add a Box Constraint

  1. In the 3D Document select the Node to apply the constraint.
  2. Right click on the Node and select Add Entity> Constraints> Box Constraint.
  3. The Box Constraint options will be available in the Information Panel.

Information Panel

Constraint Enabled

Check to enable constraints.

Constraint Parent Node

The Parent Node to constrain the node to, for example:


If nothing is entered the origin will be used.

X Constraint

All numeric values are in millimeters (mm)

  • X Limits Enabled

    Check to enable limits in the X direction.

  • X Minimum

    The value to use for the model to be constrained in the X Minimum.

  • X Maximum

    The value to use for the model to be constrained in the X Maximum.

Y Constraint

All numeric values are in millimeters (mm)

  • Y Limits Enabled

    Check to enable limits in the Y direction.

  • Y Minimum

    The value to use for the model to be constrained in the Y Minimum.

  • Y Maximum

    The value to use for the model to be constrained in the Y Maximum.

X Constraint

All numeric values are in millimeters (mm)

  • Z Limits Enabled

    Check to enable limits in the Z direction.

  • Z Minimum

    The value to use for the model to be constrained in the Z Minimum.

  • Z Maximum

    The value to use for the model to be constrained in the Z Maximum.