Define Constants
The Constants task provides the ability to create named
values which do not change, or change infrequently, such as
mathematical or engineering constants.

The Constants list can be be filtered by using the filter at the top of the list.
Please see the topic How To Use Filters for more advanced filtering information.
To Create a Constant
- Click the "Add Constant" button on the command bar.
- Type a name for the constant.
- Press Enter or Return to finish.
To Edit a Constant
- Double click the "Value" column in the constants list on the
constant you want to edit.
- Type a new value for the constant.
- Press Enter or Return to finish.
To Rename a Constant
- Select the constant to rename in the constant list.
- Click the "Rename" button on the command bar.
- Type a new name for the constant.
- Press Enter or Return to finish.
Renaming a constant will scan all rules and replace any occurrence of the old name with the new name.
If DriveWorks detects that this could cause a delay, then the following message will be displayed.

To Delete a Constant
- Select the constant to delete in the constant list.
- Click the "Delete" button on the command bar.
To Create a Category
- Click the "Add Category" button the command bar.
- Give the category a name.
- Click "OK" - the category is created as a child of the
currently selected category.
To Assign a Constant to a Category
- Find the constant in the category tree
- Click and drag it into the category you want to assign it
To Move a Category
- Find the category in the category tree.
- Click and drag it to the new parent category.
To Delete a Category
- Select the category to delete in the category tree.
- Click "Delete" on the command bar - the category is deleted, and all of its constants are moved into the deleted category's parent category.
If you delete a category which has child categories, you will be asked whether you want to delete them as well.
To Apply an Image to a Category
Assigning images to category can be a great way of documenting the purpose of a group of constants.
- Select the category to which to apply an image.
- Click "Set Category Image..." to browse for an image to apply.
Set the Size Mode for the Image
Once an image has been applied to the category the display size can be set by:
- Select the category that has an image applied.
- Right click on the image and choose:

To Remove an Image from a Category
- Select the category from which to remove an image.
- Click "Remove Category Image..." to remove the image.
A static value (text or numeric) that never changes.