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DriveWorks Pro 22

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This function converts the given time to a serial number value.



Value (optional) is the date/time from which to retrieve the seconds component.

If no value is specified, then it is equivalent to passing in Now().


TimeValue()If this function is called at the time of 13.17:02 it will return the value 0.553496458334848.
TimeValue(Now())If this function is called at the time of 13.17:02 it will return the value 0.553496458334848.
TimeValue("16:25:21")This will return the value 0.684270833 for the given time.
Volatile Functions

Volatile functions constantly change value whenever they are calculated.

Do not use any volatile function in the File Name rule or Path rule for any item created by DriveWorks.

Volatile functions include: