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DriveWorks Pro 22
Info: Model Generation Behavior (KB12121006)

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Info: Model Generation Behavior

This chart below outlines the differences between the various methods of model generation in DriveWorks.

There are 3 types of model generation in DriveWorks Pro

  • OnDemand Generation - Is triggered, while specifying within the SOLIDWORKS task pane, by clicking the Preview button at the top of the specification window, and by releasing a model from inside the SOLIDWORKS task pane.
  • Manual Queued Generation - Is triggered when a specification enters a state that will release models, by clicking the Release button at the end of a specification inside DriveWorks Administrator for example. The models are then generated by clicking the Model Generation button within the SOLIDWORKS task pane.
  • Automatic Queued Generation - Is triggered when a specification enters a state that will release models, by clicking the Release button at the end of a specification for example. The models are then generated automatically by DriveWorks Autopilot.
    Model Generation Order

    DriveWorks Autopilot will give generation priority in the following order:

    1. 3D Preview - Any required generation coming from a 3D Preview control will be given top priority.
    2. Tags - Any components that have been tagged will be generated next.
    3. Date Released - The date a component set was released (oldest first) will be generated next.

    Components Released before DriveWorks 15

    Any components released before installing DriveWorks 15 will be generated before anything released after installing DriveWorks 15.

OnDemand (Real Time Preview)Manual/Queued Generation

and Automatic/Queued Generation (Autopilot)

File NamesTemporary file names allocatedPermanent file names allocated in line with rules applied 
File LocationTemporary folderPermanent folder in line with rules applied
Static Replacement FilesTemporary file createdReplacement file used
Driven Replacement FilesTemporary file names allocatedPermanent file names allocated in line with rules applied 
Component DeletionSuppress componentDelete component
Feature DeletionSuppress featureDelete feature
Unused Configuration DeletionNo effectDelete unused configurations
In Context ReferencesNot supportedOne level

Error Handling

The following table provides information on the steps DriveWorks will take to generate a model, based on its current state.

Each time DriveWorks tries to generate a model, it sets the Generating flag so that if SOLIDWORKS crashes or is terminated, then the next time the model is attempted to be driven, DriveWorks knows that it failed.

The Generated flag is set when DriveWorks successfully generates a model.

The Failed flag is incremented whenever DriveWorks fails to generate a model, e.g. if the master file doesn't exist, or if a problem occurs during generation..

The Exists column refers to whether the target file actually exists in the file system.

Based on the combination of the model state, the Behavior column indicates the action DriveWorks will take.

#GeneratingGeneratedFailed 1ExistsBehavior
1NoNoNoNoGenerate Model
2NoNoNoYesUsing existing model, mark as generated, and log warning.
3NoNoYesNoRetry generation
4NoNoYesYesDelete existing, and retry generation.

Log warning, clear generated flag, and retry generation.

6NoYesNoYesUse existing file.
7YesNoNoNoMark as failed, and try #3
8YesNoNoYesMark as failed, delete the existing file, and try #3

1. The failed flag keeps track of the number of times that a given component fails, if the model is being generated by DriveWorks Autopilot then the administrator can decide how many times DriveWorks Autopilot will try to generate the model before giving up until the administrator has intervened. An administrator can use the data management tool to mark a model that has failed the maximum number of times for regeneration.

Knowledge Base Article Ref:KB12121006