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DriveWorks Pro 22
Release Models

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Release Model(s)

The Release Models task will release any or all of the required component sets as defined in the Stage 4: Output Rules> Model Rules, along with any accompanying drawings.

An example of this in use can be seen in the Default Specification Flow. It is available on the Enter State event or the Completed States.


Property NameDescription
Deferred DrawingsThe name of the drawings (as captured) to release, but flag for generation at a later stage. Delimit multiple names with the pipebar "|" or use a "*" to defer the generation of all drawings.
ModelsThe names of the component sets to release. Delimit multiple component set names with a pipe bar "|" or use a "*" to release all component sets.
OverwriteSets whether the components released by this task should overwrite existing files, regardless of the group settings.
TitleChanges the Title (not the name) of the task.


When this task is added the properties are static by default.
See How To: Change A Static Property To A Dynamic Property to enable rules to be built on these properties.

Property NameExample RuleExample ResultMeaning
Deferred Drawings**This rule would mark all the Drawings created as Deferred.
Deferred Drawings"DrawingA|Drawing123""DrawingA|Drawing123"This rule would mark the selected drawings from the pipe bar list to be created as Deferred.
Models**This rule will release all the captured Models to be produced.
Models"PartA|Part123""PartA|Part123"This rule will release all the selected Models in the pipe bar list to be produced.
OverWriteTRUETRUEWhen set to TRUE the components released by the task will overwrite any existing files.

Deferred Drawings

Deferring drawing generation aids the following scenarios:

  • Creating a sales drawing at the point of quoting, deferring any manufacturing drawings until an order is placed.
  • When models require additional manual work, that cannot be automated.

When drawings are deferred a status field is set that will place the marked drawing as "Deferred".

This field can be set by the following methods:

  • At the point of model release, using the Deferred Drawings property on the Release Models task (as shown above).
    • Leaving this property blank will not mark any drawings as "Deferred"
    • Applying "*" to this property will place all drawings as "Deferred"
    • Listing individual drawings (separated with a pipebar) will place only those specific drawings "Deferred"
  • In DriveWorks Data Management (See Data Management - Released Files for more information).
    • Drawings that have been flagged "Deferred" can have the flag removed.
  • From the Specification Flow Tasks:
Drawings that are flagged as being "Deferred" cannot be generated automatically.

These drawings should be generated manually from the manual lists inside SOLIDWORKS and DriveWorks Autopilot

Once a drawing is flagged as not being "Deferred" it will be generated based on the information in the specification for generating un-generated drawings

Generating Deferred Drawings

Drawings that have been flagged as "Deferred" can be generated by one of the following methods:

  • Manual

    There are two places where models can be manually generated:

    • Inside SOLIDWORKS

      From the DriveWorks add in inside SOLIDWORKS, select the Generate Models icon. A list appears with all of the models in the queue. The option to Show Deferred Drawings is active if any deferred drawings exist. Checking this option will allow all deferred drawings to be generated.

    • Inside DriveWorks Autopilot
  • Through DriveWorks Autopilot

    The model generation queue in DriveWorks Autopilot will pick up on drawings that have had their Deferred Flag cleared.

    These will be generated in date order but also adhere to the tags applied to them at the time of release.

  • Data Management

    Data Management has the ability to remove the deferred flag. Once removed the drawing can be generated using the manual or DriveWorks Autopilot methods above.

Data Management

Data Management has the ability to remove the deferred flag. Once removed the drawing can be generated using the manual or DriveWorks Autopilot methods above.

Using the Task in a Specification Macro

This task has different types of Outputs. For more information about Outputs see Specification Macros Task Node.

Outputs are only available within Specification Macros. Currently Outputs are not available for Specification Flow.

Status Outputs

This task supports Status Outputs. These can be used to perform different actions depending on what the status outcome of the task is. For more information see Status Outputs in the Task Node Outputs section of Specification Macros Task Node.

The status output navigation is as follows:


  • All Models released successfully.

Success with Warnings

  • No Models to release.
  • Some Models released successfully, but some failed.


  • General error - see Specification report for more information.

See Also

Clear Deferred Flag For Components

Clear Specification Components Deferred Flag

Data Management - Released Files