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DriveWorks Pro 22
Set Triggered Action States To Trigger On

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Set Triggered Action States To Trigger On

Triggered Actions transition a Specification to a new state once a specified file has been created.

Set Triggered Action States to Trigger on Macro Task allows for more flexibility when and where Triggered Actions are triggered.

  • Allows for the ability to change the States in which a Triggered action is Triggered on.
  • The existing set of States that was previously defined, can now be Appended or Replaced.
  • Can be used to alter just certain Specifications or all Specifications.


Property NameDescription
Specification NamesThe Specifications to edit the triggered actions of.

Multiple Specifications can be entered using a pipebar delimited list "|". An asterisk "*" can be used for all Specifications.

This defaults to * when the Task is added.

Triggered Action Document NameThe name of the document to trigger the Triggered Action.
States To Trigger OnDenotes the name of the State to trigger on. Multiple States can be entered with a pipebar delimited list ("|"). Leaving this blank or with an asterisk ("*") will select all States.

This defaults to * when the Task is added.

AppendSet to TRUE to append the list of States to trigger on, or FALSE to replace the states to trigger on.