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DriveWorks Pro 22

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Eliminates non-matching values from the table.


TableFilterAll([Table or Table Name], [Condition], [Ignore Whitespace])


Table or Table Name is the Table to filter.

Condition is the name of a table containing conditions. The table should not have a header row. Each row should have 2 columns where the first is the column index number to check and the second column is the condition to filter on.

Ignore Whitespace (optional) is True to ignore leading/trailing whitespace characters in text strings in the condition, otherwise False.


TableFilterAll(DwLookupCustomers,DWLookupFilterList, True)Will return an array filtered to display all values from the Customers table that match the conditions given in the table FilterList. Will ignore any leading or trailing whitespace in the given condition table.

Example Data

Customers Table

Amazon WarriorsParisFrance
Bolton BurnersConcordUnited States
Boston BullsHanoverGermany
Cambridge CatsToulouseFrance
Dynamo DynamicsIndianaUnited States
Eagle SizzlersMaineUnited States
Everso LuckyVermontUnited States
Forty SomethingsIllinoisUnited States

FilterList Table


Available Operators

This is the list of operators that are available to apply to the Condition argument.

Name of OperatorOperatorExample Condition Argument
Less then<"<900"
Less then or Equal to<="<=900"
Greater then>">900"
Greater then or Equal to>=">=900"
Not Equals<>"<>=900"
Equals= (No Symbol Required)"900"
Not Like"<>*""<>*Single*"

Example Outcome

Boston BullsHanoverGermany

DriveWorks will return the table above as an array, which will look like:

Table returned as an Array
{"CustomerName","City","Country";"Boston Bulls","Hanover","Germany"}