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DriveWorks Pro 22

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Removes empty values in the given list.




List is the list from which to remove empty values.

RemoveWhiteSpace (Optional) removes entries consisting only of whitespace.



ListRemoveEmpty(DWVariableCustomerList)Will remove empty values only. The list (See Example Data below) will become: All Stars| |all stars|Boston bulls|Boston Bulls| |cambridge cats|Cambridge cats
ListRemoveEmpty(DWVariableCustomerList, FALSE)Will remove empty values only. The list (See Example Data below) will become: All Stars| |all stars|Boston bulls|Boston Bulls| |cambridge cats|Cambridge cats
ListRemoveEmpty(DWVariableCustomerList, TRUE)Will remove whitespace and empty values. The list (See Example Data below) will become: All Stars|all stars|Boston bulls|Boston Bulls|cambridge cats|Cambridge cats

Example Data

DWVariableCustomerList value is "All Stars| |all stars|Boston bulls|Boston Bulls| |cambridge cats||Cambridge cats"

(created using a ListAll() Function on the Customers table below)

Customers Table

Customer Name
All Stars
{represents a cell in a table that consists of whitespace}
all stars
Boston bulls
Boston Bulls
{represents a cell in a table that consists of whitespace}
cambridge cats
{represents a cell in a table that is an empty value (no whitespace)}
Cambridge cats