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DriveWorks Pro 22
Show Standard Navigation

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Show Standard Navigation

The Standard Navigation buttons found at the bottom of the user form during specifying are turned off with the Show Standard Navigation property.

Standard Navigation buttons look like the image below:

Customizable "In Form" navigation can be created using Macro buttons with appropriate Specification Tasks associated to them.

Before turning Standard Navigation off be sure your alternative navigation works as expected.

Please refer to the article How To: Create In Form Navigation for more information.

Show Standard Navigation is a user form property.

Display User Form Properties

To display the properties of a user form click in any blank space on the user form in the form designer.

User form properties must be set for each user form in the project.

Show Standard Navigation Property

Property Type: Fixed

Default Value: True

To Change the Default Value

The default value of the property can be changed by selecting the required value directly from the property field

  1. Click in the property for the control to be changed
  2. Select the required value directly from the property field


Show Standard Navigation Property ValueResult
TrueWill use the standard navigation buttons.
FalseWill not use the standard navigation buttons.

See also

Welcome to DriveWorks Pro 11 -What's New

Form Design

A type of control property where the value can only be set in the Form Designer (not by a rule).