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DriveWorks Pro 22
General Jobs

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General Jobs

The General category focuses on jobs to evaluate Rules and monitor folder and module connection changes.

The jobs available in this category are:

Evaluate Rule

This job will evaluate a Rule and return its value.

This is useful for checking and testing Rules within your Project to ensure correctness and accuracy.

Email Details

Uses the Mail Server settings applied in DriveWorks Autopilot to send job notifications.

Email SenderA valid email address for the sender of the email.DriveAppScheduler@MyCompany.com
Email RecipientA valid email address for the recipient of the email.admin@MyCompany.com
Email CCA valid email address for additional recipients of the email.admin2@MyCompany.com

Multiple recipients can be included by separating each address with a pipebar:


Autopilot TagThe name of the Autopilot Tag that targets the DriveWorks Autopilot machine to process the Job from.

See DriveWorks Autopilot - Edit Tags for more information.


Job Inputs

Rule to Evaluate Text box to input the Rule to be evaluated. Pressing "Test Rule" will return the output of the rule below. If the Rule is not valid, the following message will appear: "Not a valid rule - please test in a rules builder. Strings need to be inside quotation marks (“)"

Rule to Evaluate: DWFormContainerWidth < 610

Output: FALSE

Folder Change

This job will monitor a specified folder for changes.

Email Details

Uses the Mail Server settings applied in DriveWorks Autopilot to send job notifications.

Email SenderA valid email address for the sender of the email.DriveAppScheduler@MyCompany.com
Email RecipientA valid email address for the recipient of the email.admin@MyCompany.com
Email CCA valid email address for additional recipients of the email.admin2@MyCompany.com

Multiple recipients can be included by separating each address with a pipebar:


Autopilot TagThe name of the Autopilot Tag that targets the DriveWorks Autopilot machine to process the Job from.

See DriveWorks Autopilot - Edit Tags for more information.


Job Inputs

Folder PathSets the path for the location of the folder to monitor"C:\DriveWorks\Project\Specifications"
Folder Destination PathThe path to the destination file. "[Machine Name]\Generated\" & DWVariableNewFolderName & ".txt"
Include Sub Folders Check box to include Sub-Folders within the specified Folder Path Checked - TRUE
Alert When Specifies the type of action to monitor and cause an alert. Choose from: Files Deleted, Files Added or Number of Files Files Added
ConditionThe condition that must be met before an alert is sent.

< 2 - emails when more than two changes are made to the Folder

=5 - emails when exactly five changes are made to the Folder

Module Connection Change

This job will monitor the DriveWorks modules connected to the Group.

Please note that the use of this Job requires a Shared Group.

Email Details

Uses the Mail Server settings applied in DriveWorks Autopilot to send job notifications.

Email SenderA valid email address for the sender of the email.DriveAppScheduler@MyCompany.com
Email RecipientA valid email address for the recipient of the email.admin@MyCompany.com
Email CCA valid email address for additional recipients of the email.admin2@MyCompany.com

Multiple recipients can be included by separating each address with a pipebar:


Autopilot TagThe name of the Autopilot Tag that targets the DriveWorks Autopilot machine to process the Job from.

See DriveWorks Autopilot - Edit Tags for more information.


Job Inputs

Alert When Specifies the type of action to monitor and cause an alert. Choose from: Module Offline, Number of Distinct Modules or Number of Modules Number of Distinct Modules
ConditionThe condition that must be met before an alert is sent.

<3 - emails when the number of Modules changes by more than three

=1 - emails as soon as one Module is changed


Learn more about the functionality that powers these jobs.