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DriveWorks Pro 22
Sweep Thread

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Sweep Thread

This document describes the types of rules that can be applied to models that have advanced feature parameters captured.

Driving advanced feature dimensions increases model generation time. Where possible capture feature dimensions (distances, numbers and angles) as dimensions rather than an advanced feature parameter.

During model generation captured dimensions are driven before captured advanced feature parameters. If the advanced feature parameter has also been captured as a dimension the value being driven into the advanced feature parameter will override the captured dimension.

ParameterInput TypeDescription
OffsetTrue/FalseSets whether to offset the starting location of the helix
Offset DistanceDistanceSets the offset of the starting location of the helix
Reverse OffsetTrue/FalseSets whether to flip the offset of the helix to the opposite side of the starting entity
Start AngleAngleSets the start angle of the thread
End ConditionBlind|Revolutions|Up To SelectionSets the end condition for this thread feature
Reverse DirectionTrue/FalseSets whether to reverse the direction of the Blind or Revolutions end condition of this thread feature
Blind DepthDistanceSets the distance from the blind end condition reference of this thread feature, taking into account any offset
RevolutionsIntegerSets the number of revolutions in the helix of this thread feature
End Condition OffsetTrue/FalseSets whether to offset the end condition of this thread feature
End Condition Offset DistanceDistanceSets the end condition offset distance of this thread feature
End Condition Offset ReverseTrue/FalseSets whether to flip the offset of the end condition to the opposite side of the end condition reference in this thread feature
Maintain Thread LengthTrue/FalseSets whether to keep the thread a constant length from the starting surface in this thread feature
Diameter OverrideTrue/FalseSets whether to override the diameter of the cylindrical face or helix of this thread feature
DiameterDistanceSets the diameter of the cylindrical face or helix of this thread feature
Pitch OverrideTrue/FalseSets whether to override the pitch of the thread helix of this thread feature
PitchDistanceSets the pitch of the thread helix of this thread feature
Thread MethodCut|ExtrudeSets the thread method for this thread feature
Mirror ProfileTrue/FalseSets whether to flip the profile of the thread helix about its horizontal or vertical axis in this thread feature
Mirror TypeHorizontally|VerticallySets how to flip the profile of the thread helix of this thread feature
Rotation AngleAngleSets the angle of rotation of the thread helix of this thread feature
Right HandedTrue/FalseSets whether to offset the starting location of the helix of this thread feature
Multiple StartTrue/FalseSets whether the thread has multiple starts in this thread feature
Trim Start FaceTrue/FalseSets whether to align the thread to the start face of this thread feaure
Trim End FaceTrue/FalseSets whether to align the thread to the end face of this thread feaure